Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents Day Freecycles and Communciation Request

First off, I personally want to welcome all to this freecycling sanctuary! Please free free to leave feedback regarding personal experiences on any of the listed offers and collecting freebies in general, click on comments at the bottom of each post then write in comment box.

To receive a free sample of Boudreaux's ButtCream for babies( I know, the name's a bit offputting)
Send a self addressed stamped 6x9 envelope $1.34 postage to Boudreaux's Butt Paste

Freecycle is a conglomerate of online message groups applying the reuse and recycle concept to usable items of all kinds including clothing wears. Freecycle groups are located throughout the country and around the world. The unifying policy for all Freecycle groups is that no money exchanges hands:

Free vegetarian startup kit:
(Note:US as well as many non US countries are eligible to request the kit!

Miracle Diapers is a wonderful organization providing free cloth diapers to those that financially qualify! free

PaperbackSwap is a book swap club that allows people to book "trade" free of charge of charge with the exception of a one way shipping and handling cost when a sender ships out whereas the receiver is never charged. Trading credits are issued for each book received by another member.
Swap A CD and Swap a DVD are sister sites of Paperback swap that works along the same idea.
Click on the banners at the top page of Paperswap to link to these two sites.

Homeschoolers with financial need can receive free curriculum from Booksamaritan!

Free stickers with catalog order at Slednecks clothing store. Offer applies to many countries!
© Flicker user Cassandra 204

Free trade Sweetener: For free samples of stevia send in two other types of any sweentener to Wisdom Natural Brands
1203 W. San Pedro St.
Gilbert, AZ 85233Phone #: or call1-800-899-9908 Offer applies to US and non US countries
Note: I sent an email asking about the offer after which I was sent a brochure &2 free packets of stevia without sending in the trade sweeteners. So, sending an email or calling asking for a sample is an idea.


  1. did you get the veg startup kit? Do you know what's in it ?

  2. did you get the veg. start up kit? Do you know whats' in it ?

  3. Yes I did! The kit contians many easy recipies and buying suggestions as well as brochures citing benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle and vegan literature as well.
